4 ways How to Budget for an Engagement Ring

How to Budget for an Engagement Ring

How to Budget for an Engagement Ring

You have found the one and now you like to find the perfect engagement ring to pop the inquiry with. But how much should you expand on your engagement ring

You may have heard people talk about the “rules” you have to go after when setting your wedding ring budget. People often say that you have to expand the equivalent of two either three months’ salary on your wedding ring. 

However, truthfully, you do not need to spend any specific charge on your wedding ring. You should just spend the cost that works for you and your unique financial condition. 

To decide your budget, you should take a serious & objective look at your finances. Then, you have to think about wedding ring price potentials and your financial preferences. To help you do only that, here’s our four-step guide to engagement ring budget. 

1. Total Your Income & Expenses 

The first thing you should do when budgeting for any big purchase, as well as an wedding ring, is taking an objective look at your earnings & expenses. 

Begin by totaling up your monthly income. If you are surprising your partner with the ring, only tally up your own earnings. If you want to purchase the ring as a couple, add up your merge earnings. If your income varies from month to month, figure out a standard aggregate. 

Then, total up your normal monthly expenses. This includes things such as: 

  • Rent either Loan Payment 
  • Utility Payment (Power, Trash, Water)
  • Mobile Phone Payment 
  • Pay by Credit Card
  • Car Clearance
  • Student Loan Clearance
  • Insurance Clearance
  • Grocery Charges 
  • Personal Grooming Charges 
  • Any Common Savings Subscription 

If you need to make an estimating with your monthly expenses, it’s best to estimate at a high side.  

Now, deduct your monthly expenses from your monthly earnings. The dollar amount you get is excess money that you can select to spend on things you want. 

The money you pay out on your engagement ring should be a part of this money. We’ll speak about how large the part should be in step 3. 

2. Understand Engagement Ring Cost 

Before you determine on the exact dollar amount you want to pay out, it’s wise to gain a common understanding of how much wedding rings can cost. Let’s speak about the average price of an wedding ring & go over what affects wedding ring cost. 

Average Engagement Ring Price 

The average price of an ring in 2021 is around $5,500. Recall that this is only an average. Around 50% of people pay out much less than that, while around 15% pay out far more than that. 

Center Stone Price 

If you have never bought a wedding ring before, you may not realize that the ring’s center stone & setting (the metal band part of the ring) are normally sold individually.

Some wedding rings come pre-set with a center stone, however most do not. So, when you buy a wedding ring, you are commonly buying two things: a center stone & a position. 

wedding ring’s center stone is normally much more expensive than its setting. High standard, high carat weight gemstones are costly. And the better quality & the higher the carat weight, the higher the rate tag for the gemstone. 

This is mainly true for diamond wedding rings. Diamonds are very expensive and can jump up in cost dramatically as you go up in quality either diamond size. The GIA’s 4Cs of diamonds—diamond cut, diamond color, diamond purity, & diamond carat weight—have a vast effect on an individual diamond’s price. 

If you’re shopping for a diamond engagement ring, you require to discover a balance between these qualities that work for your wish for aesthetic & budget. Here are some jewelers tips to stay in mind about the 4Cs: diamond cut is very important, diamond clarity is something you can be workable with, diamond color is a problem of personal preference, & diamond carat size is a problem of budget. 

Another thing to keep in mind about center diamond cost is that it differ depending on diamond shape. Round cut diamonds, the most well liked option, are around 30% more costly per carat than desire shaped diamonds, which is a category that encompasses each diamond shape more than round. 

Of course, you do not have to select a diamond for your center stone. Gemstone engagement rings can be much cheaper than diamond rings, mostly when they feature budget-friendly gems as moissanite & morganite. 

Another budget-friendly engagement ring choice is a diamond cluster ring, which features a category of smaller diamonds at its center by choice of one bigger diamond. 

Ring Setting Cost 

While an engagement ring setting will normally price less than the ring’s center stone, settings can quiet be expensive depending on their materials. There are two main elements to think about when it comes to ring setting cost: precious metal & gemstone pronunciation. 

The four most usual costly metals used for wedding rings are white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, & platinum. All of these gold alloys are in the same cost range since they all carry the same amount of pure gold. Platinum is more significantly costly than gold, but it’s also hypoallergenic & extremely durable. 

Some wedding ring settings, solitaire position, do not have any gemstone accents on the ring’s band. Easy solitaire bands are the most inexpensive engagement ring setting way. 

More settings may feature small diamonds, small colored gemstones, big diamonds, and either larger gemstones. Settings with higher carat gemstones are going to be more costly than ones with under carat gemstones either no gemstones in any manner. 

Extra Costs 

There are some miscellaneous charges to keep in sense when you budget for your engagement ring. The largest for a lot of human beings is sales tax, which can be notable due to the high price of an engagement ring purchase. 

If you’re buying an engagement ring online & the retailer does not have a physical presence in your state, you may not need to pay sales tax. Also, you may not have to charge sales tax if your area doesn’t have one & you are shopping locally. 

Another potential price to keep in sense is jewelry insurance. Jewelry stores often give lifetime warranties for engagement rings, however this isn’t the same thing as insurance. If you want insurance, you will almost always have to purchase it individually. Keep this price in mind as you set your budget. 

A third thing to consider is your marriage rings. Do you want to cover the cost of your marriage bands in your engagement ring budget? Either do you want to consider that as a role of your marriage budget? 

3. Think about Your Financial Preference 

At this point, you know how much additional money you have per month & you understand the cost range chances for engagement rings. Now you need to think about your economic preferences.

How much would your better engagement ring price? Is that workable within your budget? Would spending the expense you want on your engagement ring influence other economic preferences in your life? 

Do you want to save money on your ring so you can put it towards your marriage, traveling, going to fine restaurants every month, either a house down payment? Or are you may be excited about spending big on a high carat diamond because having an attractive ring is most important to you either your mate? 

There are no right or wrong reply to these questions, however it is important to ask yourself them. Once you know what you want to arrange, determining your final engagement ring budget should come obviously. 

4. Determine Your Payment Process 

One last thing to consider is how you will be paying. There are three common ways to pay the price when engagement ring purchasing: 

  • In Cash 
  • Financing (Monthly Payments)
  • With a Credit Card 

What payment process works best for you, your budget, and your plan timeline? If you’d like to pay out for your ring in full with cash, do you have sufficient cash on hand either will you want to save up for a while? 

If you want to finance your engagement ring, what kind of financing plans are available to you? Be sure you fully understand & are glad with the terms of any financing plan you enter into.

At last, while paying with a credit card is a choice that people use, consider whether or not that is a nice selection for your financial future. The interest on credit cards can add up to an enormous sum extra time. Keep that in mind if you are thinking of throwing an engagement ring buy on a high-interest credit card. 

Don’t forget that you don’t need to spend more on a costly ring just to accept to societal pressure or a made-up salary rule of thumb. There are more beautiful, cheap engagement rings. And if you are dreaming of an extravagant ring but you cannot fit it in your budget now, know that you can always better your ring behind time. 

You may also like; Wedding Ring: 7 Amazing Wedding Ring For Men (vlifetime.com)

You may also like; Big & Short Set Engagement Rings: 6 Pros & Cons (vlifetime.com)weddingwedding


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